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Building competence in the disinfo era

Tackle the disinformation challenge with online courses developed by experts

Our courses

Fact-checking | 80 hours | Video course

The Christie Code

Master the fusion of detective storytelling and fact-checking to create engaging, credible narratives. Explore how investigative techniques enhance the impact of factual reporting.

Rafidah Bahar
Author of Disinformation Myth

Analysis | 40 hours | Online

Use Logic, Not Facts

Explore automated logic checking for online discussions. Enhance your ability to verify and evaluate digital information effectively.

Fred Hughes
Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Analysis | 60 hours | Online


Analyze online influence campaigns with Transactional Analysis. Detect and counter manipulative strategies.

Dr. Glenn Haas
Professor of Behavioral Sciences

The problem of disinfo is evolving.
The answer is evolving too.

Fact checking is not enough. Disinformation is a complex and constantly evolving problem, without a one-size-fits-all solution. Fact checking doesn't work. Focus on evolving your own skills; understand the mechanics, master the techniques and learn to adapt them to your job so you can communicate more effective.

We made all of that easy. Courses by leading experts, a personalized lesson plan and interactive exercises, all uniquely adapted to your situation, language and audience.

It's time to evolve your disinformation response skills.

Essential skills for professionals

Learn how to recognize disinformaton and influence campaigns

Master the tools and techniques to counteract harmful effects

Interactive exercises and simulations that put theory into practice

All materials are adapted to your topic, language and audience

Reach AA-level certification within two months

Bringing theory into practice

Lessons and exercises can be customized to any topic, language and audience.
Practice what you learn with realtime feedback.

Learn from the experts

The new standard in disinformation response,
based on the latest insights from leading experts.

Get in touch

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